I have a disability and require a guide to run or walk with me
Please contact us if you require a guide to run or walk with you.
Do walkers get a medal?
All participants who finish their event will be given a medal. That includes all runners and walkers. But you do need to finish.
Can a 17 year old experienced distant runner get dispensation to run the marathon?
The age of the competitor on the day of the full marathon must be 18 years or over. This is a fairly standard rule and there are no exceptions.
Can I get dispensation to run the half marathon if I am 15?
We have taken the lead of many other marathons and strictly adhere to the rule that the competitor must be 16 years or older on the day to run or walk the half marathon. We appreciate that in the past there have been some very good performances by younger runners but on the other hand there have also been some alarming ones as well.
Where will the toilets be placed on the course.
Toilets are generally available near each drinks station which are spaced approximately 5 km apart. Depending on the location the toilets available will either be portaloos or public toilets.
Is the full marathon certified?
Yes the full marathon course was AIMS certified in August 2022. Certification will be valid till the end of December 2026, provided there is no change to the course.
The half marathon, 10 km and 5 km courses will be measured using a calibrated bike built specifically for measuring courses but are not certified.
Are there any hills in the course?
That depends on what you consider to be a hill. There are certainly some rises but they are relatively short in distance but may be relatively steep depending what you think is steep.
Can I get free entries to run for charity?
We cannot give away free entries, however we will do our best to support you. Please contact us if you are organising a group to run or walk for charity.
Will there be any transport to the start of the events?
There will be transport to the start of the full marathon, that starts at the Portobello Recreation Reserve. All other events will start inside the Caledonian Ground on Logan Park Drive.
You have a time limit of 6 hours and permission to run the event between 7.00am and 1.00pm. What happens if I take longer than this?
In the past we have organised an early start for a handful of people. However given that we moved the start time by 30 minutes (previously 8 am) last year, the early start was only 30 minutes earlier which caused a bit traffic chaos. There will be no early starters this year i.e. all will start at 7.00. Although the cut off is 1 pm, the tail end charlie will follow the slowest runners and will need to make a judgement call whether a runner needs to be pulled off the course.
Will the drink stations have sports drinks or only water?
There will be water and a sports drink available at each drink station.
Can I provide my own drink?
If you are running the full marathon you can bring your own drink bottles clearly labelled with your name and race number to race pack pick up. The bottles will be placed at each of the drink stations (subject to how many bottles you provide).
Am I allowed to wear head phones while running or walking?
We recommend for reasons of safety and rhythm that you don’t wear an audio device. However, these devices are not prohibited from any of the Dunedin Marathon events.
Can I change my details if I entered online?
Yes, go to the entry site. On the top right, click sign in, login with the email address and password you used/created when you entered. There is an option for you to manage your details. Contact us if you encounter any issues.
Can groups of people enter together?
Yes, after completing an entry there is an option to add another entry.
I’ve entered, but I’m now not available that weekend. Can I get a refund?
There are no refunds if you are unable to attend or change you mind. You can however transfer your entry to another person. If you want to transfer to another event or transfer your entry to someone else go to the entry site, on the top right, click sign in, login with the email address and password you used/created when you entered. There is an option to “Transfer”.
I’ve entered the marathon, but I’ve changed my mind and want to run the half marathon instead. What should I do?
If you want to transfer to another event or transfer your entry to someone else go to the entry site, on the top right, click sign in, login with the email address and password you used/created when you entered. There is an option to “Transfer”.
Are your courses suitable for a wheelchair athlete?
Wheelchair athletes can enter the 5 km event, provided they are not racing. A racing wheelchair would not be considered safe in the crowded course. If you require someone to assist you, both you and the person assisting must be entered.
Can I use a pushchair/stroller for my infant/toddler
A pushchair/stroller is allowed, but only in the 5 km fun run/walk. Both you and the infant/toddler occupying the pushchair/stroller must have an entry given that every person on the course must have an entry.
How do I know if I’ve won a spot prize?
The tear off strip on your race number. At prizegiving, there will be box or bucket to drop off strip to be put in the draw for spot prizes. If your name is called out, you must be there to pick up your prize. If you’re not there you will miss out and there will be a redraw.
Will there be a refund if the Dunedin Marathon is cancelled?
If the Dunedin Marathon is cancelled due to COVID-19 or some other unforeseen event, all entrants may choose to receive a 75% refund on their entry fee, but to receive a refund an email must be sent to the Dunedin Marathon to request a refund. If the 2025 event is cancelled, all entries not refunded with be transferred to the 2026 Emerson’s Dunedin Marathon in the equivalent event that was entered. NB: If the marathon is cancelled on or after 1 September 2025, merchandise orders will be completed. If the marathon cancelled prior to 1 September, merchandise orders will be fully refunded.
In the event of cancellation, all entrants will be contacted by email.